Frequently Asked

Can I join if Nebory is still not launched in my area?

You can join the waiting list of your Neighbourhood. Once we launch Nebory in your Neighbourhood, you will be the first one to know and can join Nebory immediately.

Can I invite my friend?

Yes, you can. If your friend is your Neighbour, he/she can join your Neighbourhood otherwise he/ she can select the Neighbourhood where he lives and join there. Since you are a trusted Neborian, it makes it easy for your friend to join Nebory as verification is expected to be smooth.

Is this app free?

Yes, it is free of cost.

How much time is required for verification?

Generally, 2 to 3 days are required for verification. We strive to cut it short to as minimum as possible as we do not like a good Neighbour like you to be waiting to get connected with your Neighbourhood.

What is Nebory?

Nebory is a mobile application platform that makes it easy to connect with thousands of verified Neighbours living in your Neighbourhood.

Why Nebory?

We believe that well connected Neighbourhoods have great impact on quality of our life. In today’s digital world, people are spending more time behind closed doors than in front of their houses. This makes it difficult to connect with Neighbours. We, at Nebory, are adopting to today’s way of communication by bringing the entire Neighbourhood on mobile! We understand that trust is an integral part of the strong community and make sure only verified Neighbours join. Neighbours-together creates stronger Neighbourhoods. Stronger Neighbourhoods create Stronger Nation!

What are the advantages of being on Nebory?

When you join Nebory, you get connected to wider Neighbourhood. You can ask questions related to your Neighbourhood, seek information, help and suggestions from Neighbours related to issues around the home, connect to like minded Neighbours, get timely help in case of emergency, conduct polls, conduct events, read local news and lot more.

How is it different than other social local groups?

Generic social media platforms don't provide specific tools to make sure that you are connecting to real Neighbours and only curated, relevant conversations take place. Individuals who run these groups spend lot of time and effort to keep these groups well run. It is daunting task and often not done well. We understand the pain and make it easy to connect to verified Neighbours and restrict unwanted discussions. Groups are often run by individuals with strict rules driven from personal judgment. Not everyone has say in it. Nebory as a platform belong to Neighbours and they decide how it should work for them!

Is our information safe?

Absolutely. At Nebory we take Neighbours privacy very seriously. Your information is ONLY yours and no-one else has access to it. We do not share your information with anyone.

How do I join Nebory?

Download the app from Google Play Store if you have an android mobile phone or from Apple App Store if you have an iPhone. Install the app and register yourself by selecting your Neighbourhood. Make sure, you select the Neighbourhood where you live in.

Can I join if Nebory is still not launched in my area?

You can join the waiting list of your Neighbourhood. Once we launch Nebory in your Neighbourhood, you will be the first one to know and can join Nebory immediately.

Can I invite my friend?

Yes, you can. If your friend is your Neighbour, he/she can join your Neighbourhood otherwise he/ she can select the Neighbourhood where he lives and join there. Since you are a trusted Neborian, it makes it easy for your friend to join Nebory as verification is expected to be smooth.

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