For The Neighbours,

Whom do you rely on when you happen to face an emergency situation in the middle of the night? Whom do you trust to provide you a genuine plumber or electrician contact when you have something to fix at your home? Whom do you reach out to when you want to form a movement against the upcoming drainage line in place of the proposed park for the children and elderly people? In all such situations, would you rely the most upon – Google or your Neighbours? Of course, you would rely on your neighbours, right? A better neighbourhood helps us to enjoy a better quality of life. But how can we create a better Neighbourhood while we are all so busy with our daily work. We heard you and that’s why we have introduced Nebory - The mobile app which connects verified neighbours in a very effective manner. You do not need to discover them.
Nebory understands various levels of neighbourly communication - Just within your neighbourhood, your adjecent neighbourhoods and entire citywide, depending on the need. Nebory facilitates such need based communication and enables neighbours by profiling.

Nebory is all about "For the Neighbours, By the Neighbours".

What is Nebory and what this is used for?

Nebory is a platform to connect "verified" neighbours. To put it simply - "For the neighbours, by the neighbours" - very much Indian, our own mobile app developed by Pune based company. Becoming a Nebory member is absolutely free.

Verified Neighbours

Nebory has algorithms to verify neighbours. Nebory's interest is to make sure that the member is a real neighbour residing in a claimed neighbourhood. It is mainly to protect the sanity of the platform in the interest of a neighbourhood. It has the ability to verify neighbours. Until verification, neighbours have restricted access as Nebory cares for privacy. Nebory has stringent moderation process which ensures no privacy breach, no trolling, no unsolicited/abusive language. Verified users carry verification badge on their Nebory profile. Until the verification process is finished, the members have restricted access to Nebory features.

What can be done on Nebory?

Unlike other social media apps which make you to discover social connections, Nebory instantly connects you to your neighbours without making you discover them.

  1. By tapping on floating round button on home screen, you can create:
    1. Post/share/Ask
    2. Events
    3. Opinion Polls
  2. Drawer menu (tap on Profile icon in footer):
    1. Polls - Gather public opinion
    2. Blogs - Get a mind refreshing read of good articles
    3. My Activity - list of activities you oerformed on Nebory, tap on any activity will take you to the details
    4. Neighbours - list of allyour neighbours
    5. Settings - Innovative control on your privacy settings
  3. You can also invite neighbours - Individual/Groups
  4. Get notifications at one place

All NEW simplified filtered feed
  • Home+: See all the discussions that most matter to you- within your neighbourhood and newrby
  • Citywide: General wider area coverage
  • News/Updates: All curated local curated news and governance updates that matter to you
  • Events: All aggregated list of Events
  • Offerings: All homepreneural activities deals and offers from homemakers around you

How is it simplified feed?
  • Filtered: No clutter/mix-up, each type of content is saggregated - Local to you/Citywide/News/Events/Offerings
  • Indictaion of Unread messages: When you see red dot on any of the tab, it indicates that you have new message there. You will see "New Activity" button,tapping on which, the content will be refreshed, You will see this button and the red dot untill you refresh the page.
    1. On refresh, if the activity is of a general nature, you may not see it on top of your feed as it may be placed somewhere in the middle of the ocntent as per the Nebory sorting algorithm.
  • Soreted: The content in all the tabs is sorted to give you easy read -
    1. local and what matters to you followed by generic content
    2. Your own local and neraby postings: will always appear in Home+ at the top with latest updated on top
    3. Your own Citywide postings: will always appear in Home+ as well as Citywide tabs at the top with latest updated on top
    4. Events: Allthe events posted by you as well as others will appear in this tab, listed with most soon expiring fist having precedence to the events which are local to you
    5. Allthe offerings will be listed in Offerings tab, eliminating clutter by isolating flyers from neighbourhood discussions. This hleps in finding all the deals and offers at one place

Post/Share your mind with your neighbours or ask for help

On top of your mind: Only your neighbours can give you reliable recommendations or run to you for help in case of emergency.


  • If you have newly migrated in the neighbourhood and are worried about your old parents and/or child being at home while you are out on the job and looking for a reliable trustworthy full time maid, who else than your neighbours can give you such a recommendation.
  • Looking for good home tutor for your child, good day-care or call for help in emergency, neighbour is the first resort in all such cases.

Conduct/Attend Events

Your neighbourhood, your fanclub: Project your local/home-run business, art or any talent you have by conducting events on Nebory, you never know, you may find thousands of your neighbours as your customers.


  • You want to conduct a webinar using zoom link, you can publish the details of your event so all your neighbours can come to know about it and you get more participation
  • You can conduct an event to show case your drawings on Nebory, you may find lot of buyers for those just around you. Yes, absolutely you may have many painting lovers just around you!

Conduct and participate in Opinion Polls

Influence the local governance: Get other's opinions (Nebory keeps it anonymous). You can influence local governance with collective opinion. You can turn down the politically impacted bad proposals with the ones which received people majority and thus make your neighbourhood stronger and smarter.


  • Do you support the proposal of solving traffic jam in our area?
  • Should we have a good play ground at a reserved place for public where you see the signs of that getting converted into mall?

Stay updated with local and curated News/Blogs

Go global, Stay local: Why Google around and waste time? Get local and curated information on whats happening around you, local news and updates and blogs......

Invite your neighbours

More the neighbours, stronger the neighbourhood: You can also invite 100s of your neighbours from your WhatsApp groups just in a click - tap on top right corner icon or see the menu on side drawer.

Feedback/ask for help about using Nebory

Using the menu in side drawer, you can post your feedback/inputs/issues to Nebory team. Nebory team is ever ready to address it, though it may take a little while at times.

How can you grow yourself on Nebory?

Nebory understands that every neighbour has different needs of collaboration as well as s/he may have different levels of communication skills which Nebory feels proud honoring.

  • Some of the neighbourly needs can be met (and should possibly be met) just within the neighbourhood
  • Some needs require little wider influencial network for them to be resolved - nearby
  • There are others which need a citywide shout to find a resolution to.

As there are various needs requiring various levels of reach, Nebory has following different user roles too: Nebory User, Ambassador, Influencer.

Nebory User

This is a default role that every neighbour has - everyone once verified, can publish the content in his/her home neighbourhood as well as in nearby neighbourhoods.


The neighbour who knows importance of togetherness and implements it practically by getting more neighbours together on Nebory to make the neighbourhood stronger. This person has ability to take such initiatives and is always engaged in new ways to add more neighbours to the network, thus creating win-win opportunities for his entire neighbourhood's betterment.


The neighbours who exhibit proactive attempts to produce very good and relevant content on Nebory can become Influencers. They constantly take interest in growing their audience to benefit from their writing. They can have ability to post their content in not just only in their home neighbourhood but in adjacent neighbourhoods as well as entire citywide. These neighbours have wealth of knowledge, network and a strong will to reach out to masses.

How do Nebory care for your privacy?

Neighbours' data privacy is Nebory's highest priority. Since address related details are required to ensure that neighbour belongs to the neighbourhood that s/he claims to be resident of. Nebory stays committed regarding the privacy of such information. Please go through our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy to know more.

Personal and Notification Settings

As "Verified neighbours" is the key principle of Nebory, hiding identity is not possible on Nebory. Nebory offers innovative way to protect the personal details and still keep the real identity with other neighbours.

These settings can be managed by visiting the "Settings" menu in a side drawer.

Please read Nebory's Terms of Service and Privacy policy for more details.

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